

A drug database against SARS-CoV2.

The current pandemic of COVID-19 is a global health crisis. To fight the novel coronavirus, one of the best ways is to block enzymes essential for virus replications. DockCoV2 focuses on predicting FDA-approved (1,760) and Taiwan National Health Insurance (NHI) drugs (1,615) targeting five proteins from SARS-CoV-2 and provides the linkages between the molecular docking scores and the commonly-used drug databases.



Full text literature search for genetic variants

variant2literature (V2L) is a human genetic variant database that provides the links of published papers that have ever mentioned the target variant in the full-text manuscripts or any figures/tables/supplementary files.


Variants Prioritizer

Mining PubMed abstracts to interpret clinical exome sequencing

In order to get the most possible disease-causing candidate variants, we describe a novel tool, Variants Prioritizer, based on text-mining to use articles from GeneReviews, Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM) and abstracts from PubMed to rank SNVs from NGS and phenotype keywords from electronic medical records (EMRs) to
